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Wheel & Deal

A set collection and negotiation game about displaying cheeses on your cheeseboards to best please your guests. You'll be rewarded for satisfying personal tastes, arranging your cheeses in matchings, having the most of certain cheese types, and of course for serving award winning cheeses.


Play on tabletop Simulator here.

Anchor 1

Players: 2-4


Length: 30 - 45 mins


Ages: 12+



  • 108 cards

  • 1 Board

  • 9 Tokens

  • 1 Cube



  • Set collection

  • Trading

  • Simultaneous action selection


If you like:

  • Bohnanza

  • Coloretto

Wheel & Deal is a social card game for 2-4 players. Collect cheeses and arrange them effectively to score the most points. You will be rewarded for grouping cheeses that share a type or country of origin.


Wheel & Deal is played over a series of up to 8 rounds. Each player gets on turn per round.


Each turn begins with the active player revealing a card to make a cheese available. With cheese on the board the active player has a few options. They can:


  • See if anyone wants to Trade with them and exchange the cheese with cards from another players' hand. This also allows the active player to draw more cards from the deck.

  • Or they can choose to add more cards from their hand to add another cheese to the board (up to a maximum of 3).

  • You can also add the top cheese from the deck to the board.


Once there are 3 cheeses on the board, the active player must take them and add them to their personal cheeseboards in any order. Each player only has 2 chesseboards, so arranging 3 cheeses in can be tricky!


A player's turn ends when there are no cheeses on the central board and play proceeds clockwise. Once each player has taken a turn, advance the round marker. 



Available for playtesting on Tabletop Simulator.



Blue Box Game Designs


Born and based in Melbourne, Australia

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